What We Do

Our work


We believe that people and the natural world can thrive together.

We believe that with the help of science we can move beyond our present challenges. As the growth of human civilization often comes at the expense of the natural world, we believe we need to find ways for a vibrant human economy to coexist with thriving nature.

The Wild Center is committed to helping the Adirondacks become a model for this idea, and one that can lead by example.

Here you can explore some of the innovative ways people are advancing the concept of people and nature thriving together.

Youth Climate Program

The Wild Center’s Youth Climate Program works to convene, engage, connect and empower young people around the world to take action on climate change.

Wild Center Digital

Bring the spirit of The Wild Center into your home. Take a virtual visit of exhibits, tune into Lunchtime Live, or check out the live views throughout The Wild Center and beyond.

Maple Program

Spring is the time when sap flows again in maple trees. The Wild Center’s Community Maple Project brings people back into the woods in the earliest spring days, and plays an active part igniting a maple renaissance across the Adirondacks.