Youth Climate Program

ClimaTeens Fellowship Program


ClimaTeens Fellowship Program

The Wild Center's ClimaTeens Fellowship Program is a unique, leadership program for Adirondack youth to find their pathway into the climate change movement. 
This paid fellowship is focused on leadership, climate solutions, and building the skills which young people need to heal our planet. ClimaTeens Fellows are mentored by The Wild Center's Youth Climate Program staff to turn their passions into tangible climate action.

The Wild Center's Youth Climate Program firmly believes in centering young people, and providing them with the trust, resources, and opportunity to become the next generation of climate change-makers. ClimaTeens Fellows are given the agency to pursue their interests and explore new topics in climate change. They will  work closely with the Youth Climate Program staff, supporting activities ranging from planning the Adirondack Youth Climate Summit to traveling to attend Youth Climate Summits in our network. 
If you are a high school student filled with passion, ideas, and a love for our planet, this fellowship program is for you!

Fellowship Details


You are eligible to apply to the Emerging Leaders Fellowship if you meet the following criteria:

- Are a current high school student
- Attend one in-person meeting at The Wild Center per month
- Attend one in-person meeting at The Wild Center each month
- You have a deep passion and love for the planet
- Can commit at least 5 hours per month
- Be willing and enthusiastic to take on new projects, challenge yourself, and take initiative


What you can expect:

- $200 to $275 monthly stipend for your participation, dependent on your active participation
- Mentorship from the Youth Climate Program staff
- Leadership development
- Career skills such as communications, organization, meeting deadlines, working on a team, etc.
- Trainings on mental health, leadership, communicating climate change, and many more holistic approaches to working in the climate movement
- Connecting with climate change professionals and other youth from across the region/country
- Learning about and engaging with the plethora of ways to get involved in the climate change movement
- Compensated travel to other Youth Climate Summits and other off site opportunities, some of which may require overnight stays

What we will expect:

- Commit to the ClimaTeens Fellowship Program from September 2024 to August 2025
- Attend one in-person meeting on the first Sunday of each month
- Attend one virtual meeting on the third Thursday of every month
- Attend one in-person floor shift at The Wild Center per month
- Showing up to each meeting with an open and eager mind
- Come ready to learn
- A love for the planet, and passion for doing work to protect it
- A desire to learn, grow, and develop as a leader


The Emerging Leaders Fellowship program will offer project-based learning opportunities:

- Planning the Youth Climate Program's flagship events:
          - Adirondack Youth Climate Summit
          - Summer Youth Climate Retreats
          - Climate Change Teen Game Night

- Communicating climate change with the public at The Wild Center:
          - Leading interpretive programs using the Planet Adirondack exhibit
          - Designing and implementing programs in the Climate Solutions exhibit

- Attend, travel, and participate:
          - Youth Climate Summits
          - Climate change conferences
          - Climate change trainings
          - Public speaking engagements
          - Additional opportunities as they arise

- Design and implement your very own Climate Action Project:
          - Receive mentorship from the Youth Climate Program staff
          - Utilize The Wild Center's spaces and resources
          - Leverage The Wild Center's robust network of climate change institutions
          - Envision and implement a project for your local community which addresses climate change impacts


The ClimaTeens Fellows will have the additional opportunities to:

- Receive close mentorship with Youth Climate Program staff
- Speak, lead workshops, and support other Youth Climate Summits in our Youth Climate Summit Network
- Work in an institution which is focusing on climate change solutions, justice, and initiative
- Speak at public facing events giving speeches, sitting on panels, etc.
- Meet young people from all across the nation who are taking action on climate change
- Participate in climate conferences across the region/country
- Lead public programs at The Wild Center in our Climate Solutions and Planet Adirondack exhibits


The 2024 - 2025 ClimaTeens Fellowship Program is currently accepting applications until September 8th, 2024 at 11:59 pm. If you are interested in applying, please follow the link below. 

This fellowship is competitive, and we highly encourage thoughtful applications. The more time you put into your application, the more likely it is that you will be selected as a fellow.
                      Apply Here


If you are interested in learning more about the ClimaTeens Fellowship program, please contact Garrett Marino,, or Alicia Lamb,