Science Speaker Series: Jen Grauer

Science Speaker Series graphic with Jen Grauer

July 8, 2023

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Moose Health and Survival in New York with Jen Grauer, Phd Student at Cornell University working with the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab

Free for members or with paid admission

Since recolonizing the state in the 1980's, moose have increased in number until a recent population stagnation. Despite high adult survival and reproduction, adequate quantities and quality of suitable habitat, and tolerable climate, moose remain at low densities compared to neighboring states. Populations within the northeast have fluctuated because of disease, and we have initiated a study on moose health and juvenile survival in New York to assess the local impact of parasites. This talk will cover aims of the project, methods for studying moose, and lessons learned thus far.