Press Releases

Kiss the Ground Film Screening and Community Compost Discussion

Kiss the Ground Film Screening and Community Compost Discussion

For Immediate Release: December 8, 2020

Tupper Lake, N.Y. - The Wild Center and AdkAction's Compost for Good Project are excited to announce a virtual film screening of the new "Kiss the Ground" documentary and panel discussion on Tuesday, December 15th, 2020 from 6:30 - 7:45pm. After viewing the 45-minute film, attendees will hear perspectives from a panel of students on how they are working with their schools and communities to reduce food waste through community-scale compost systems.

"Kiss the Ground" unveils a game-changing approach designed to reverse global warming. By regenerating soil we can stabilize our planet's climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies. With epic footage shot on five continents, striking visuals from NASA and NOAA, and stunning animation, the documentary conveys this critical message. The film shows a revolutionary group of activists, scientists, farmers, and politicians who band together to balance our climate. They unpack ways the earth's soil may hold the key to combating climate change and preserving the planet.

AdkAction will sponsor one young person (must be under 25) who registers and attends the virtual screening event to receive a full scholarship for the Soil Advocate Training course run by Kiss the Ground. This soil regeneration stewardship course explains the principles of regenerative agriculture, shows different advocacy pathways, and teaches students how to speak about and demonstrate these principles for different audiences. The scholarship winner will be announced at the conclusion of the event.

The screening is part of The Wild Center's Youth Have Power event series and is cohosted by AdkAction's Compost for Good Project. Youth Have Power is a flexible, 3- month menu of events for high school students to learn about climate change, decide how to take climate action, and connect with other youth climate leaders. AdkAction's Compost for Good Project will use this screening as a launching pad for a series of "Compost Café" sessions aimed at sharing composting resources, composter designs, and, most importantly, inspiring area youth leaders to spark a composting revolution in the Adirondacks and beyond.

For more information about the event, visit:

This program is made possible in part by The Wild Center, Kiss the Ground, AdkAction's Compost for Good Project, and New York State Pollution Prevention Institute. Funding provided by the Environmental Protection Fund as administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Any opinions, findings, and/or interpretations of data contained herein are the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions, interpretations or policy of Rochester Institute of Technology and its NYS Pollution Prevention Institute or the State.

In 2014, North Country School Camp Treetops Director of Facilities and Sustainability John Culpepper contacted the Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA) seeking assistance to design a high flow drum composter to be sited and operated on the NCS/CTT campus. ANCA included the drum composter in a 7-project aggregation through NYSERDA's Cleaner Greener Communities program. It performed so successfully, NYSERDA was willing to fund three additional units for distribution throughout the North Country. The Wild Center was one of these three sites who were selected as a recipient due to their impeccable track record for successful project completion and commitment to community education.


"AdkAction's Adirondack Compost for Good Project"
The goal of the Adirondack Compost for Good project is to help Adirondack communities turn food and other organic "wastes" into high-quality compost. This process keeps nutrients in the community, which builds local resilience, heals soils, and helps reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

About AdkAction
AdkAction creates projects that address unmet needs, promote vibrant communities, and preserve the character of the Adirondacks. We believe that a small number of passionate people can make a big difference!