Local Foods

GardenShare is a locally led non-profit organization seeking to end hunger and strengthen food security in northern New York State. GardenShare’s mission is to solve hunger in St. Lawrence County through policy advocacy work and by strengthening the food system to benefit all county residents.
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The Adirondack Farmers' Market Cooperative
The Adirondack Farmers’ Market Cooperative (AFMC) is an Agricultural Cooperative that consists of eight farmers’ markets in the Adirondack Region. The farmers and crafters represented by AFMC are from small, family-operated farms or small home-based artisans producing hand-crafted items. Learn more about some of AFMC’s vendors and participating farmers’ markets here.
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Adirondack Harvest
Adirondack Harvest provides resources to connect locals to farm-fresh foods and local products. Check out resources, farmers’ market maps, current events and projects here.
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What is CSA?
CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, is a great way to stay involved in your community and support local farmers. Different CSAs provide different fruits, veggies and meats, but by “subscribing” to these CSA’s you are able to take home fresh, local and delicious food on a weekly or bi-weekly basis! Check out Local Harvest’s website to find a CSA in your area, and support locally-grown foods.
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Farm to School New York
Farm-to-School programs link schools with local farms. While programs vary from one to the other, they often include: school meals featuring local food, food and agriculture education in the classroom, school gardens, field trips to farms, and celebrations. Students learn about their local agriculture system and have better access to delicious local foods, while farmers expand markets for their products and local economies grow stronger.
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